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Participants in Bedër

SKU: 1481


Author: Selman Aude
Title: Bedrijun
Translated by: Kushtrim Manjuka
Publisher: "Fjala e Bukur" Publishing House
Page: 366
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To talk about the participants in Bedër means to mention the cream of the best generation in the history of mankind. The generation with whom Allah was pleased and had made them pleased. It means immersing yourself in the personality of history's giants and the elite of mankind. They were the most distinguished among the Muhajira and Ansar companions, whom Allah blessed with His pleasure and eternal rewards in the Hereafter, nv Jannah.

The need demands that we learn about their life and example, to know better the first bearers of the divine religion. We talk about them to highlight the heroism of these elite companions in every field of life, to make them known to every class of society, and especially to the members of the healthy faith.

We talk about them, to connect the present of the ummah with the bright past; to remove the cloak of ignorance and adorn ourselves with the model of ambition and success from the work of the companions of the seal of prophethood, Muhammad as
