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Honey with Ginseng Extract with Epimedium 300 gr

SKU: 1100


Aksuvital Ginseng Extract Honey contains is a special product that contains raw honey, epimedium extract, linseed, pollen, red ginseng, licorice root, ginseng root extract and propolis. All plant extracts contained in this product consist of high quality extracts and quality raw materials. We manufacture according to AksuVital's high quality standards and provide it to our customers. AksuVital Gensen mixed honey, made from a combination of completely natural products, does not contain any preservatives or additives.

Consumption recommendation: It is recommended to take one teaspoon. It is suitable for adult use and is for men only. Caution: It should not be used together with blood thinners.

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AksuVital Genseng Honey Blend is an extract honey suitable for use by men and women.

The botanical name of ginseng, which means "complete healing" in Greek, is "Panax" and is derived from the word "Panacea". The ginseng plant is a perennial herb with large roots. it is cultivated in Far Eastern countries such as China, Korea and Japan. The Ginseng plant contains panaxosides called 'ginsenosides', triterpenixaponosides, panaxatnol and vitamins of the D group.

The epimedium plant it contains is known as the "extraordinary horned goat" in Anatolia. This plant, which became known centuries ago when a Chinese shepherd noticed that his goats, consuming the collected herbs, actively mated, contains important active ingredients and components.
