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Mustard oil 30ml

SKU: 1149


MUSTARD OIL is Natural famous for its taste and other valuable qualities long ago, when it was brought to the table of Catherine II as a special delicacy. Nowadays it continues to amaze us with its useful properties for both internal and external use. Mustard contains a large amount of various vitamins and minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, bactericidal ingredients and substances that contribute to the deep nutrition of the skin and its hydration.

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Benefits of the oil:

  1. Youth vitamins A and E included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, activate the blood circulation process and help minimize wrinkles
  2. One of the most powerful oils for hair health
  3. Lengthens and thickens hair
  4. Stimulates new hair growth
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. Soothes muscle pain
  7. Treats cardiovascular diseases