Ginseng Honey Plus with herbal extracts and ginkgo biloba stands out for its high concentration and fast action and out of the desire of the Mujezat Al-Shifa company to develop its already existing products and create more new products to add to the range of its services. and high quality products and to meet all the needs of customers and due to the great demand that the Mujezat Al-Shifa mix for Ginseng honey we have produced a mix of Ginseng Plus honey, which contains a group of the best ingredients , each of which represents a great nutritional and health value and is mixed with precise scientific quantities and ratios to achieve the maximum possible benefit from its various and integrated advantages and characteristics.
Honey Ginseng Plus 500 gr
SKU: 1286
100.00 €
Ginseng honey plus with plant extracts and ginkgo biloba (high concentration, fast action)
Ginseng honey blend plus:
• Royal jelly, which is associated with cell renewal, increasing their vitality and resistance to the effects and signs of aging and cases of infertility in men and women.
• Propolis, which acts as an anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and an immune booster. It also removes bad breath.
• Black seed is rich in vitamins, minerals, plant proteins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and natural aphrodisiacs
• Palm pollen as a tonic for the body, sperm and ovulation in women and works to remove cholesterol from the blood
• Tonket Ali, known as the Asian Viagra, which works to increase libido, improve sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction for men
• Zalloua whey is an antioxidant and a natural aphrodisiac.
• A variety of nuts characterized by high nutritional value, which give the Ginseng honey mixture a wonderful taste.
• Ginkgo biloba is a mental and sexual tonic, an antioxidant and treats erectile dysfunction
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