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Red Oregano Tea 70g

SKU: 1385


Composition: Red oregano. Curative properties: In its essence, bitter substances, tannins, etc., mountain oregano (red oregano) is used as a tool (tea) that helps digestion and expectoration, the treatment of respiratory tracts, whooping cough and as a healing tool in cases of…

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Composition: Red oregano.

Curative properties: Due to its essence, bitter substances, tannins, etc. mountain oregano (red oregano) is used as a tool (tea) that helps digestion and expectoration, the treatment of respiratory tracts, whooping cough and as a tool healing in cases of lightning and flu as it stimulates the processes of sweating and urination in the body. Red oregano has long been known and used in our country both for its taste and its medicinal value as a tea. Mainly in northern Albania.

Preparation: A teaspoon of oregano is poured into a container where half a glass of boiling water is added. The container is covered with a lid and left for 10-12 minutes. The juice is strained and drunk sweetened with sugar or honey as desired. You can drink 1-3 such cups a day.
