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Almond oil 30ml

SKU: 1175


SWEET ALMOND OIL 100% natural obtained from dried almond kernelsThey are full of healthy fats, fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals.

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Some of the benefits of almond oil are:

  1. It contains naturally occurring vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E.
  2. Almond oil is full of vitamin E and is an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium
  3. The antioxidant-rich oil is known for its free radical-fighting abilities.
  4. It is anti-inflammatory and increases immunity.
  5. Containing omega-3 fatty acids, almond oil can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels and improve your memory.
  6. It can help reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  7. Almond oil has been used for centuries to soothe the skin and treat minor cuts and wounds.
  8. It has been used in ancient Chinese practices and to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  9. Treats skin blemishes
  10. It is highly emollient, meaning it helps balance moisture absorption and water loss.
  11. Because it is antibacterial and full of vitamin A, almond oil can be used to treat acne.
  12. Its concentration of vitamin E can also help heal sun damage, reduce signs of aging, and fade scars.
  13. It is used to prevent stretch marks
  14. It also has powerful antifungal properties. Rub it on your feet to prevent athlete's foot or to help clear up other fungal infections like ringworm.
  15. You can use almond oil as a cleanser or to gently remove makeup.