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Narrations about the Messengers of Allah

SKU: 1265


Author: Hafidh Ibn Kathir
Translated by Muhamed Dolaku
Page: 685
Publisher: Trace
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The work "AL-BIDAJETU VEN-NIHAJEH", of which the book you have in your hand is a part (narrations for the Messengers of Allah) is one of the most monumental Islamic works, unique in the field of human history. The author has an exceptional approach to this topic. Here he deals with the period from the creation of the world and Adam, through historical events until the year 768 according to the Hijri (when he finished this work), and finally deals with the signs of the Day of Judgment, the resurrection and the entry into heaven. and in hell. For this reason it is also called: THE BEGINNING AND THE END. It has been published several times, mostly in fourteen large volumes. The author has divided this work into several parts

: I. The first part includes the time from the creation of the Throne, the Kursij, the heavens, the Earth, the angels, the jinn, the devils, the way of the creation of Adam, the narrations about the Prophets and what happened in this aspect until the time of the Beni Israel. , and then until the time of ignorance, in which Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was sent.

2. The second part of the work mentions the period from the death of Muhammad, may the salvation of Allah be upon him, to the year 768 h.

3. The third part contains trials, turmoils, disturbances, the warning signs of the Day of Judgment, the resurrection, the gathering, the sorrows of the Doomsday and the descriptions of heaven and hell, and all these are moments of the time of Pund — cataclysm and what precedes it, which the author has highlighted because of the great importance they have for the Muslim faith.
