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Commentary on the Book Akideja Vasitije (1 and 2)

SKU: 1327


Publishing House: Essebil
Translated by: Blerim KRASNIQI, Lulzim PERCUKU, Petrit PERCUKU
Author: Muhammad Ibn Salih Al Uthaymeen
Page: 632 (Set 2)
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In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful. God's blessing and peace be upon our prophet, Muhammad; for his family and all his friends. The book "Aqidya Wasitiyya" was written by the great scholar of Muslims, Abu Abbas, Sheikhul-Islam, Ahmed ibn Abduselam ibn Taymiyyah Al-Harranij, who died in the year 728 H. Anyone who browses the books of this man knows his positions in the defense of the truth and in the criticisms he addressed to the followers of vanity, positions for which we are grateful to him and we hope he will be rewarded by Allah. Indeed, this man was among the gifts of Allah to this Ummah, because Allah, the Exalted, through him repelled things that were extremely dangerous for the Islamic aqeedah.

This is a short (summarized) book that the sheikh of Islam wrote, and the reason for this was when one of the judges of Wasit came to him, who complained to him about the suffering of the people from the deviated ideologies related to the names and attributes of Allah. Thus, the Shaykh wrote this aqeedah, which is considered the cream of the aqeedah of Ahl al-Sunnah and Jama'at in terms of things about which people invented bid'ah and about which words and rumors were frequent.

Before we start with the explanation of this magnificent book, I want to clarify that all the messages of the messengers, from the first (Nuhu) to the last (Muhammad) had tawhid as a central point. Allah the Exalted says: - We have not sent any messenger before you (O Muhammad), so that we did not announce to him that: `There is no other (true) worshiper except Me, so worship (only) Me! " (EI-Anbiya, 25) "We sent to every people a messenger (who said): 'Worship Allah and avoid tagut (idols)!" (An-Nahl, 36) This is because the creatures were created only for Almighty Allah; they were created to worship Him and bind their hearts to Him with ta'al-luh (adoration with love and reverence), glorification. fear, hope, support, desire (for reward) and fear (of punishment)…
