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Capsule Perst

SKU: 993


Ground horsetail, celery seed, saw palmetto fruit extract, ground fiber, cypress cone, parchment turizoma, pegan seed, gold, sky plant extract, zinc, vitamin E, where all-natural products are combined with technology high, you will always be strong and well It is a special nutritional supplement for men that will make you feel better. Natural products are the key to a healthy life because of their complete compatibility with human chemistry. Our capsules are entirely of plant origin.

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BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) mainly occurs in men over the age of 40.
50% of men over 50 years old, 65% of men over 60-70 years old, 90% of men over 80 years old have problems with BPH. Although the clear reason for the development of BPH is not known, the pathology is related to changes in the level of estrogen associated with aging. Prostatic hyperplasia is not related to the growth of prostate cells but is related to the abnormal increase in the number of cells.
Our product is a special product formulated with a combination of natural herbs with a special formulation approved by modern medicine. It helps to eliminate problems such as: urination with pain and symptoms of irritation, frequent urination, urination at night, delay in starting urination.
Contents (4 capsules):
Equisetum arvense………………400mg
Apium graveolens….………..…360mg
Sereno repens………………….308 mg
Epilobium…………………….….308 mg
Taxodium distichum……….……240mg
Peganum harmala………………100mg
Helichrysum orientale…….……100mg
Elymus repens ext…………….…60mg
Zinc Sulphate Hepta Hydrate…..20mg
Vitamin E……………………..…….5mg
Dosage: Recommended, 2 times a day from 2 capsules during meals.
Recommended to be used together with pumpkin seed oil capsules for best effect!