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Ground Flaxseed 200 gr

SKU: 1095


AksuVital Ground Flax Seed is the ground and packaged form of flax seed collected from the field, in accordance with all quality and hygiene standards, without contact with air. After the grinding process is completed under sterile conditions, it is produced with a special vacuum in tin cans to prevent the creation of toxins. Ground flaxseed does not contain any additives and is offered to the consumer in its completely pure form.

How to consume flax seeds: It can be easily consumed with yogurt or water. It can be eaten by sprinkling it on salad or yogurt. Adding it to pastries can also be recommended. In addition, flaxseed can be used instead of eggs or oil that we use in cooking. Ground flaxseed is a practical alternative, especially for those who cannot eat eggs. Storage: Store at room temperature. Protect from light and heat.

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AksuVital ground flaxseed is a very important and useful food in terms of the hundreds of vitamins and minerals it contains. Ground product; It should be preferred mainly for ease of use and increased rate of digestion and absorption in the body.

Flaxseed is a type of plant that is extracted from the fruits of the flax plant and has a size of 50 to 100 ml. Flax is a herbaceous plant that blooms in blue colors. Flaxseed also consists of small, brown grains. Flax, which grows in the Mediterranean climate, is grown in countries such as Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Egypt. The plant contains proteins, linamarin and fixed oils. In addition, the oils in flax seeds can be used as Omega 3 oil. The powerful nutrients in flax seeds help the body fight many problems it faces.

It is a plant rich in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, which have many known health benefits. Linseed oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant.

Flaxseed, which contains the most vitamin B12 after animal foods, is also an important source of nutrition for vegetarians. Flax seeds are a type of plant rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

It is a good source of protein and has a high insoluble fiber content. Therefore, those who take care of a balanced diet, athletes and those who do sports, can take advantage of the benefits of flax seeds with peace of mind.

Weight: 200 gr
