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Tea For Tension 100g

SKU: 1407


Composition: Olive leaf, hawthorn flower, sedum flower, sage, bean bark, rosemary, bee grass, hawthorn bark, wild rose, etc. Curative properties: The various medicinal plants of this tea, through their natural ingredients and their diuretic abilities, affect the reduction of blood pressure. In particular, the olive leaf,…

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Composition: Olive leaf, hawthorn flower, yarrow flower, sage, bean bark, rosemary, bee grass, hawthorn bark, wild rose, etc.

Curative properties: The various medicinal plants of this tea, through their natural ingredients and their diuretic abilities, affect the reduction of blood pressure. In particular, olive leaf, hawthorn flower, bee herb and rosemary regulate blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscles and lower blood pressure. Sage is a very good blood circulation regulator. The wild rose and the flower of the path help soften the intestinal mucosa and supply the body with vitamins C, B, P, K and also with provitamin "A". Redwood bark helps regulate stool.

Preparation: Pour a teaspoon of the preparation into a cup of water, which boils slowly until it boils. Leave, covered for 10-15 min. It is strained and can be drunk warm or cold, as desired. 2-3 doses per day are recommended, controlling blood pressure.

Watch out! This mixture does not replace blood pressure medications but can only influence the reduction of their dose and help in the regeneration of organs.
