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Bliri Flower Tea 210g

SKU: 1553


Composition: St. John's wort Healing properties: St. John's wort contains mucilage, essence rich in farnesol, various glucoses, sugars, tannins and substances similar to vitamin "E". It is used in diseases caused by colds and associated with fever (lightning, cough, phlegm, etc.). Due to the fact that it has...

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Composition: Bliri flower

Healing properties: The sturgeon flowers contain mucilage, essence rich in farnesol, various glucoses, sugars, tannin and substances similar to vitamin "E". It is used in diseases caused by colds and associated with fever (lightning, cough, phlegm, etc.). Due to the property that this flower has, to cause sweating in the body, it is also used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary bladder, as well as to relieve pain and stomach disorders. Blir flowers improve the nervous condition and therefore facilitate sleep.

Preparation: A tablespoon of Bliri flowers is placed in a container where a glass of boiling water is added. The container is covered with a lid and left for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Juice, strain and drink. It can be sweetened with honey or sugar as desired. Up to three or four cups a day can be taken.
