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Lemon tea 160g

SKU: 1551


The tea prepared with the leaves of Luiza or Limoncina, in addition to the values, has a very good aroma, similar to that of lemon. It is rich in essential oil and has a small content of citric acid. Limoncina, herba Luiza or with the Latin name Aloysia Citrodora in addition to a tea...

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The tea prepared with the leaves of Luiza or Limoncina, in addition to the values, has a very good aroma, similar to that of lemon. It is rich in essential oil and has a small content of citric acid. Limoncina, herba Luiza or with the Latin name Aloysia Citrodora, in addition to being a pleasant tea with a daily use, is also used for the discomforts arising from the difficulty of digestion, it releases gases from the intestines and spasms of the soft muscles of the stomach. It opens the appetite and helps in better digestion of food. Above all, they make Limonchina a very good tea with dietary and calming effects. For specific uses, we recommend consulting your family doctor.

It can be used by everyone 2-3 times a day. It is recommended that after three weeks of regular use, a break of ten days is made and then it can be started again.
