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Anti-Smoking Tea 90g

SKU: 1383


Composition: Eucalyptus, thymus vulgaris, artichoke, sanzi root, milkweed, bee grass, linden flower, hawthorn flower, etc. Curative properties: In order to quit smoking, it has been proven that the specific symptoms of the smoking cessation crisis, such as metabolic and digestive disorders, must first be alleviated and cured. This mixture contains medicinal herbs…

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Composition: Eucalyptus, thymus vulgaris, artichoke, sanzi root, milkweed, bee grass, sturgeon flower, hawthorn flower, etc.

Curative properties: In order to quit smoking, it has been proven that the specific symptoms of the smoking cessation crisis, such as metabolic and digestive disorders, must first be alleviated and cured. This mixture contains medicinal plants representing three different groups of active principles. which also have the corresponding curative effects on smokers who have decided to quit smoking. Bee grass and hawthorn act significantly against anxiety and are powerful body stimulants. Milkweed, sanzi, and artichoke contain a community of aquive principles that protect the black liver and kidneys, as they lower cholesterol and increase bile, which makes them good laxatives and diuretics. Thymus, eucalyptus and sturgeon belong to the third group with a balsamic and salivating role. In addition to the necessary willpower, quitting smoking becomes easier with such tea.

Preparation: The mass of half a teaspoon of the mixture is poured into a cup where boiling water is added. It is covered and left to rest for 5-10 minutes. Strain and drink warm or cold as desired. Take 3-4 such doses per day.
