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Anti-Asthmatic Tea 90g

SKU: 1342


Composition: Yarrow root, yarrow, yarrow, yarrow leaves, white yarrow flowers, lavender flowers, etc. Curative properties: The mixture thanks to the root of the mullein and the leaves of the hoof that contains a lot of mucilage and substances that help in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Zumbrica, lavender, and yarrow complement the antiasthmatic action and help to draw out...

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Composition: Yarrow root, yarrow, yarrow, yarrow leaf, white yarrow flower, lavender flower, etc.

Curative properties: The mixture thanks to the root of the mullein and the leaves of the hoof that contains a lot of mucilage and substances that help in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Yarrow, lavender, and yarrow complement the antiasthmatic action and help expel phlegm. Horsetail leaf is effective against asthma, especially in the approaching phase of the crisis. This tea gives quite good results against bronchial asthma if used regularly.

Preparation: Pour two tablespoons of the herbs into a container where half a liter of cold water is added. The container is covered and boiled slowly for 5 min. Leave covered to cool for an hour and drain. It is drunk 3-4 times a day from a glass before bread. It can be sweetened with honey or sugar.
