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Biography of Omar Ibn Abdulaziz

SKU: 1479


Author: Ali Muhammad Sallabi
Translated by: Ahad Durguti
Title: Omar ibn Abdulaziz mealim al-tajdid wa al-islab ar-Rashid ala minhaj an-nububu
Publisher: "Fjala e Bukur" Publishing House
Page: 544
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This book is part of the book "Ed-Davle al-emaviyya avamil eI-izdihar wa tedaiyat al-inhijar" (The Umayyad state, the factors of prosperity and the causes of decline), which has as its theme the time of the great reformer, Omar ibn Abdulaziz.

To write about Omar ibn Abdulaziz in the most painful time for the history of the ummah, for his great efforts, to return life under the judgment of the Sharia and under the guidance of the righteous caliphate, guided by the Qur'an and the Sunnah, is not just a story about a hero leader, but clearly expresses the power of Islam in itself, to return and continue the leadership of political, legislative and civic life. After all, this flows quite naturally when considering the basics and principles that are embodied in Islam.

In this book, I explained how Omer behaved with other people, how much he was preoccupied with the improvement of society, reminding people of the hereafter.

He gave a special effort in the improvement of wrong worldviews and in the interruption of clan fanaticism. He valued people with values. It helped debtors to pay off their debts. He freed the captive Muslims and gave them to the needy, thus making them economically independent. He even paid mehr to those in need from the state treasury. So, it had an essential role in bringing the social layers closer together.
